Tuesday, May 5, 2009

New Photos from Brian Young

Here are some recent photos taken by staff photographer Brian Young:

Only one will load at a time... more coming soon!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

More Tent City Photos

Here are some more photos from the Tent City, taken by Street Sights photographer Brian Young:

Friday, January 30, 2009

Tent City: Day 6

Thursday, January 29

Morning- all’s well. People in the crowded tent pile out – no serious damage done by the wind.
Rep from WPRO- John DePetro
Discussion of misquote in ProJo- about the Mathewson St. Hypothermia shelter being shut down by an advocate, and about trying to get Barbara sustainable housing
3:00 Living Waters Church comes, offers us a Porto-John
3:10 Documentary people
3:30 Church brings a hot dinner
4:30 We get a Porto-John!
8:30 Barbara, Roland, Megan do outreach – finds new bedrolls but no people
8:45 David Cicilline stops by – asks if we need anything – of course!

Tent City: Day 5

Wednesday, January 28

Morning- all quiet. We find donations that had been dropped off overnight.
11:00 Homeless Memorial – (almost) everyone goes there
All day- donations are brought by so many people – tents, tables, chairs, food, lanterns, clothes…
Weather is gross- cardboard goes under the tents to keep them dry
7:00 We eat dinner- left over from St. John’s and heated over donated sternos- chicken and rice. We drink coffee reheated in a donated teapot
9:00 Winston stops by, confirms one person we were looking for is safe; agrees to drop off anyone he finds out [weather: very windy]
1 (am) One tent blows over – everyone is safely relocated to the big tent, and everyone passes the night safely

Population: 17

Tent City: Day 4

Tuesday, January 27

Morning- cold, but everyone wake up warm to positive attitudes – no word of more deaths out in the streets of Providence, no thanks to the Mayor or Governor
Media coverage continues…
Daytime- Ernie guards the city- all things quiet. Has a full time job taking in donations- thanks to all who donated!
7:00 Channel 12 and the BDH come
10:25 We hang banners labeling Hope City
10:30 3 residents outreach, and bring one more person in
12:00 The Midnight Cry brings one more person in

As far as we know and hope, no one in RI died in the streets on account of homelessness.

Population: 12

Tent City: Day 3

Monday, January 26

7:30 Mike stops by with a donation of blankets and clothes
9:30 Amy from Street Sights brings coffee ☺
10:00 John goes to the Coalition, gets input on media matters from Karen Jeffreys
1:00 Lay out our demands for the city and state
3:00 Bicycle police stop by – say they’re sorry that this has to happen, encourages us to call if we need anything
4:00 ProJo stops by – talks to Barbara and Ernie (while the gang’s at St. Pat’s)
4:30 Janice at St. Pats asks everyone to support the tent city; drops food off
8:00 Ernie’s friend brings a donation of blankets, lanterns, etc
8:20 John and Megan do outreach

Population 9: John, Darlene, Steve, Jeff, Schiz, Psycho, Ernie, Barbara, Roland, Z.

Plan for Wednesday night’s snow: if things get bad, go to RIH emergency room.

Tent City: Day 2

Sunday, January 25

11:30 ProJo stops by with camera – talks to John, Megan, Jeff, etc
4:00 Delegates go to Praise Tabernacle – Hope for the Homeless reiterates its support
9:30 Catherine Rhodes and Bruce and George stop by to see if anyone wants to come in (no one does)
10:00 Providence Police officer stops by to make sure everyone is okay – tells us to call 911 if we ever need help

Population 8: John, Megan, Steve, Z., Jeff, Schiz, Psycho, Ernie